Uttarakhand /Mussoorie: When stopped from playing the hooter, the guard of the liquor trader beat the businessman, the traders surrounded the post

The personal security personnel of a Delhi based liquor baron beat up a local businessman for refusing to play hooters on Mussoorie Mall Road. Not only this, it is alleged that after entering the shop of the merchant, the goods were also thrown out. Enraged by this, the traders and local people gheraoed the CO and the Kotwal in the police post.
He has demanded action against the businessman and his security personnel. Till the news was written, the uproar was going on among the traders. The police have detained five people. He has been sent to the hospital for medical examination. According to the police, a convoy of more than ten vehicles of Delhi’s liquor baron was passing near Kuldi on Mall Road on Monday night. During this, hooters were being played loudly. Landour businessman Pankaj Aggarwal forbade the people sitting in the car to play hooter.
It is alleged that on this, more than a dozen security personnel sitting inside the car got enraged and started fighting with them. The police reached the spot, caught five people sitting in vehicles playing hooters and took them to Kuldi Chowki. As soon as the information was received, a large number of local businessmen reached the spot and surrounded the police post demanding action against the accused. Local businessman Bharat Kumai said that the police had banned the movement of vehicles on the Mall Road till January 2.
Despite this, how were vehicles allowed to enter the Mall Road? Common people were not allowed to come on the Mall Road, so how was the VIP number vehicle allowed? Jagjit Kukreja, general secretary of the Mussoorie Traders Association, said that the police is trying to save the security personnel and VIPs who were assaulted.
The Mall Road was blocked during the gherao of the Kuldi police post. Due to this people had to face problems. During this, Municipality President Anuj Gupta, Former Municipality President OP Uniyal, Bharat Kumai, Megh Singh Kandari, Nagendra Uniyal, Puran Juyal, Rajeev Aggarwal, Darshan Rawat, Dinesh Semwal, Megh Singh Kandari, Amit etc were present.
These are demands
The rioters should be arrested, the vehicles playing hooters should be seized, the arms licenses of the security personnel should be confiscated, the aggrieved businessman should get compensation.
In the case of assault, the traders have given a complaint demanding action against the Delhi businessman and others. CCTV camera footage will be scanned. Action will be taken against whoever is involved in the incident.
– Neeraj Semwal, CO Mussoorie
Kotwal said – Kunal Chawla’s name was in Tahrir
City Kotwal Digpal Singh Kohli said that Kunal Chawla’s name was in the written Tahrir, so the police filed a case against Kunal Chawla for threatening to kill, assault, shooting and vandalizing the shop.