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Uttarakhand: UKSSSC will start new recruitment again, strict provisions, SOP issued

The Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UKSSSC) is now ready to start new recruitments afresh after the taint of paper leak in Group-C recruitments, after all the recruitments went to the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. This time the commission has issued strict internal SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and guidelines to avoid paper leak. In this, strict arrangements have been made to prevent copying.

Large scale paper leak case came to the fore in UKSSSC graduate level recruitment, forest inspector, secretariat guard recruitment. About 45 people have gone behind bars in this case. The State Government had handed over the responsibility of 23 Group-C recruitments to the State Public Service Commission. Under this, the State Public Service Commission is issuing the calendar and making recruitments. Meanwhile, the government handed over the responsibility of the Subordinate Services Selection Commission to former IPS GS Mertolia.

He has issued a strict internal SOP for safe examinations after examining all the aspects in depth. From March onwards, along with the re-examination of the old canceled examinations, the commission will also release the release of new recruitments. Mertolia says that preparations have been completed, talks have been held with the government level. From all the officers to those who publish the paper, this SOP will have to be followed. On the other hand, GS Rawat, secretary of the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, says that at present recruitments are being done only there, whose responsibility was assigned by the government.

Pre and main exam proposal pending in government
Commission’s chairman GS Martolia said that the proposal to conduct group-C recruitments as two-tier i.e. pre and main has been sent to the government. It is still pending. He told that soon this proposal will be discussed with the government. No proposal for joint entrance examination has been prepared nor sent to the government. Something will be decided only after talks with the government.

Fake ordinance will demoralize the mafia
Mertolia told that on the initiative of UKSSSC, the copy ordinance is being prepared in the government. After the implementation of this law, there will be strict rules not only for the copying mafia but also for the paper printing agency and the government officials doing duty in the exam. This will demoralize the mafia.