Indian expatriates protest outside BBC HQ in London: protest against documentary on PM Modi; Protests took place in the US as well

Indian expatriates living in Britain protest against BBC in London. A large number of people gathered outside BBC Headquarters to protest against BBC’s documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. These people had come to protest with tricolor and posters.
People were called to join the demonstration through posters. Adit Kothari, who lives in London, said – Indians living in Britain are angry about BBC’s documentary on PM Modi. Through this documentary, BBC has tried to run an anti-Hindu and anti-India agenda.
PM Modi did maximum work for Muslims: Protesters
A person involved in the protest said – It has been shown in the documentary that there is discrimination against the Muslim community in PM Modi’s government. This is totally wrong. PM Modi has done so much work for Muslims that no other leader has done. The BBC documentary is based on a lie. PM Modi has banned triple talaq for the betterment of Muslim women. There is no discrimination against any community under PM Modi’s rule.
Demonstrations also took place in California
Indian expatriates also protested against BBC in California, USA on Saturday. More than 50 people, under the banner of the Indian Diaspora, took out a rally in the streets of San Francisco’s Fremont City. During this, he also raised slogans like ‘Biased BBC and Racial BBC’. He said that he rejects the biased BBC documentary.
During the march, people were carrying placards, on which BBC was described as bogus Broadcasting Corporation. It was written on other placards – The documentary is running a false agenda. BBC is spreading fake news.
The first episode of the documentary was telecast on 17 January
On January 17, the BBC released the first episode of the Gujarat riots documentary The Modi Question on YouTube. It claimed the role of the then Chief Minister Modi in the 2002 riots in Gujarat. The second episode was to release on January 24. Even before this, the central government had removed the first episode from YouTube.