Female Naga Sadhus also don’t wear clothes like men?

India is called the country of sages and saints. These sages and saints are of many types. Naga sadhus are one of them. The life of Naga Sadhus is very mysterious. Ashes of dhuni on the body, tilak on the forehead and fiery aura like fire on the face give them a very different appearance. These sadhus often live in seclusion away from common life. Although these sages often remain calm, but if someone teases them, then their anger reaches the seventh sky. It also becomes very difficult to pacify them.
Among the various akhadas established by Naga Sadhu Adi Shankaracharya, there are such sadhus who always remain naked. There is no effect of cold, heat or rain on them. Their life is so difficult that no matter how hot or cold it is, they spend their lives without clothes. Like men, women are also Naga Sadhus. In such a situation, many times the question arises in our mind whether female Naga sadhus also remain naked like men. Does she also live by applying dhuni on her body like him?
Naga sadhus live separately from the common people. Because of this, they are rarely visible. There are very few occasions when Naga Sadhus can be seen. These sadhus appear only during the Kumbh Mela or during any big religious event. During this, female Naga sadhus can also be seen with them.
Female Naga Sadhus remain naked?
Like Naga Sadhus, female Naga Sadhus also lead their life with hard penance and are always engrossed in devotion to God, but female Naga Sadhus do not remain naked like men. Female Naga Sadhus always wear an ocher cloth on their body. Female Naga Sadhus can wear only one cloth and this cloth is not stitched. This cloth is called Ganti. Along with this, she always wears Tilak on her forehead. Other sadhvis of the ashram call her as mother.
Women become Naga Sadhus after a tough test
To become a female Naga monk, they have to go through a tough test. They have to follow strict celibacy life for 6-12 years. After this, when she completely surrenders herself at the feet of God. When the Guru feels that now she is fully ready to become a female Naga Sadhu, then he gives her permission. After this, they have to do Pinddaan with their own hands while they are alive. After this his head is shaved and then after bath he is made a Naga Sadhu with complete rituals.
Life of female Naga monk is not easy
After becoming a female Naga monk, her entire life becomes devoted to God. They are always engrossed in the devotion of God, their morning starts with the worship of God and throughout the day they have to worship God. From waking up in the morning till night, she continues to worship. Other sadhvis call female Naga sadhus as mothers. Apart from this, they are also addressed as Naagin, Avadhutani.