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Uttarakhand: 207 single lane bridges built on state highways will be upgraded to double lanes, orders issued at government level, work on making DPR started

The exercise to upgrade 207 single lane bridges built on state highways to double lanes has started in the state. These bridges of B category will be upgraded to A category. In the first phase, preparations are on to convert 100 bridges into double lanes. The load capacity of bridges will also be increased. Its instructions have been given at the government level. The work of making DPR has been started. Religious and tourism activities have increased rapidly in the state in the last few years. This has also increased the pressure on the roads. The work of roads in the state has progressed rapidly, but the bridges have not been upgraded in relation to it. Recently, after seeking reports from the districts, the government had decided to upgrade 207 such bridges from single lane to double lane by marking them.

Under this, the exercise has now started. In the first phase, work will be started on 100 bridges. For this, the work of making DPR is being done these days. Along with this, the load capacity of bridges located on high pressure roads will also be increased. Under this, a target has been set to increase the load capacity of bridges to more than 100 tonnes. Due to this, even heavy vehicles will be able to pass easily. This will facilitate the traffic.

207 single bridges are to be upgraded in the state. Based on the reports of the districts, it has been decided to upgrade 100 bridges in the first phase. Work on these will be started as soon as the DPR work is completed.

– RK Sudhanshu, Principal Secretary, PWD