If you also drink bottled water, then be careful! UN report made shocking disclosure, big danger!

If you also drink water packed in plastic bottles and think that it is beneficial for our health, then the UN report revealed a shocking revelation. We tell you about this report and what is the threat to our future generation.
What does the UN report say?
In view of the water crisis, the United Nations published a report on Wednesday just before the water conference. In which bottled water has been described as a danger bell. The report states that the world is drying up rapidly due to overuse of water and about 26% of the population is suffering from lack of clean water. Not only this, it was also said in this report that if we do not take steps for water conservation now, then about 40 to 50% of the population will not be able to reach cleanliness and 20 to 25% people will not be able to supply safe water. .
So much water being wasted every year
According to the United Nations Institute for Water, Environment and Health, about 350 billion liters (350000000000000 ml) of water are consumed every year to make bottled water and companies earn $270 billion i.e. about Rs 22 lakh crore from this. . They are benefiting from this, but for those who cannot afford bottled water and are forced to drink contaminated water, it is a matter of increasing tension.
So many plastic bottles are being used every minute
According to this report, around one million plastic bottles are being used every minute around the world. As big as its demand is, its supply is also increasing equally. But the question is, why is there so much demand for bottled water? So let us tell you that half of the bottled water used in the whole world comes from US, China and Indonesia alone. People all over the world believe that using bottled water is safer than tap water.
Bottled water did not meet the standards in 40 countries
The UN report states that bottled water was found to be below standard levels in more than 40 countries. Contaminants have been found in many water bottle brands around the world. Many times their quantity has been found to be very high. According to the report of Down to Earth, bottled water companies also use only ground water, due to which the common people complete their water supply and it is used so much that the water supply is not complete with the common people. . For example, Nestle company in America extracts 3 million liters of water daily from Florida Spring.
Harmful to the environment
We all know that water is filled in plastic bottles in the name of pure water and how harmful these plastic bottles are to our environment. According to the report, 60 thousand crore plastic bottles are made every year, which produces about 250 lakh tonnes of plastic waste, which is harmful for air, water, soil and also for humans.
This way everyone can get clean water
It has also been told in this report that there are 200 crore people in the whole world who are forced to drink impure water. According to the report, the amount of money is invested in the production of bottled water. If even half of that money is used for the supply of clean water in the whole world, then crores of people can get pure water for drinking for years. This bottled water is 150 to 1000 times more expensive than tap water.