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Uttarakhand: Meetings of various party branches on Male Foundation Day Meetings of various party branches on Male Foundation Day

22 April 2023 is the 54th anniversary of the CPI(ML). On this occasion, a revolutionary tribute was paid to Comrade Charu Mazumdar, the founder general secretary of the CPIML and all the founding leaders of the party, including all those comrades who sacrificed their everything in these 54 years to build the party and advance the revolutionary movement. April 22 is also the birthday of Comrade Lenin, the creator of the world’s first socialist revolution and the greatest teacher of the working class. Offering revolutionary salute to Comrade Lenin, it was resolved to carry forward his great revolutionary legacy.

Senior leader of CPI(ML) Com.Bahadur Singh Jangi while addressing the workers said, “After the successful completion of the eleventh party convention in Patna, the implementation of the call of the convention to defeat fascism and make India the dream of the martyrs is now complete. Party is in charge. On Party Foundation Day, we want to strengthen the party by enhancing the role of each party branch and expanding the party’s work on all fronts. Strengthening all party branches and local committees and increasing their role is essential for raising the party’s combat capability against fascist aggression to a higher level.”

CPI Male Nainital District Secretary Dr. Kailash Pandey said, “As Modi- Adani nexus is exposed and people’s anger against rising inflation, rising unemployment and oppressive bulldozer raj is increasing, Modi government and Sangh brigade are in trouble. The BJP is once again trying to overcome this by inciting communal frenzy and recruiting its cadres from among the youth and oppressed masses to fulfill its fascist designs. And saw a dangerous glimpse of the game of rule. At the same time, Modi Raj is fully engaged in suppressing the opposition, hijacking all the institutions of democracy including the judiciary and obstructing all the constitutional liberties of the citizens.”

He said, “It is very important to strengthen the bonds of unity and solidarity among all sections of the people, rising above religious and linguistic boundaries. Workers and peasants, men and women, Hindus and Muslims should all come together and defeat fascism.” Democracy and India have to be saved. Assembly elections in several important states are due in 2023 and the decisive Lok Sabha elections will be held early next year. To defeat and weaken the BJP in all these elections and to have a representative of the revolutionary left in the next parliament To send, we should be engaged with all our souls.

On the party’s foundation day, an oath was taken to strengthen the CPI (ML) and make vigorous efforts to build broad anti- fascist unity of the people.

On the party foundation day, meetings of various branches of Bindukhatta were held at Rajeev Nagar, Adarsh ​​village, Ghodanala, Sanjay Nagar, Indranagar I, Trolley Line, Purana Khatta, Tiwari Nagar, Seventeen Acre, Shastri Nagar. The meetings in which Bahadur Singh Jangi, Dr. Kailash Pandey, Bhuvan Joshi, Vimla Routhan, Pushkar Dubadia, Chandan Ram, Kamal Joshi, Dheeraj Kumar, Bishan Dutt Joshi, Nain Singh Koranga, Kishan Baghri, Govind Singh Jeena, Basanti Bisht, Anand Singh Sijwali , Swaroop Singh Danu, Nirmala Shahi, Hema Joshi, Anandi Devi, Harish Bhandari, Laxman Singh, Trilok Singh Danu, Rekha Joshi, Saurabh Verma, Kamla etc. were mainly involved. Dr. Kailash Pandey, Secretary, Nainital District Committee CPI Male,