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Uttarakhand: New invention of Graphic Era – Typhoid test kit launched in Medical Fair

The first kit of its kind in the world to diagnose typhoid developed in the Graphic Era was dedicated to the nation today. Till now there is no such technology available in the world for accurate diagnosis of typhoid. The kit, named VanScan, was launched by Ms. Veena Kohli, CEO, Vanguard Diagnostics at the Medical Fair India, which began on Thursday at Pragati Maidan, Delhi. WanScan is built to the standards of the New Gold Standard. 17 countries are participating in this 28th International Exhibition and Conference of Medical Fair India. Exhibits of innovative technologies and products related to top medical technology, biotechnology and diagnostic industry will also be displayed.

Chairman of Graphic Era Group of Institutions, Prof. (Dr.) Kamal Ghanshala, while congratulating the scientists of the University for this major discovery which brought major changes in the medical field of Graphic Era, said that now it would be very easy to diagnose typhoid all over the world. Due to getting 100% accurate results through this kit, patients can be saved from the danger of wrong treatment.

Dr. Ghanshala said that Vanguard Diagnostics has an important role to play in bringing this great discovery of Graphic Era to physicians and patients all over the world. The central government has given patents for many such inventions of Graphic Era to the university. Steps are being taken to take the benefit of these discoveries to the whole world.

It is worth mentioning that VanScan is the world’s first R-T PCR typhoid test kit based on the patented technology, which is capable of screening both the typhoid causing bacteria, Salmonella typhi and Salmonella para typhi.

The world’s current typhoid detection techniques can only target Salmonella typhi. Worldwide, typhoid is diagnosed with the Widal test and its results are not completely reliable. Generally, about 14 percent of the false reports come in the Widal test. For this reason, doctors recommend a culture for confirmation if the Widal test is positive. It takes more than a week for the culture report to come.

On the occasion of the launch of VanScan, the inventor of this technology, Dr. Pankaj Gautam, Head of Department of Microbiology and Dr. Ashish Thapliyal, Head of Department of Biotechnology, Dr. Naveen Kumar and Teacher, Dr. Nishant Rai and Director of Vanguard Diagnostic, Dr. R.K. P. Tiwari, Shri Anil Virmani and Shri Rahul Thakur were present.