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Two children with private parts were born here, doctors were also surprised to see

God has created us humans in a very orderly manner. Many parts have been given in the body and each part has its own function. If there is deficiency of even one part in the body, then it becomes difficult. However, sometimes such children are also born, who are slightly different from ordinary humans. Some have no hands, some have legs, and some have two heads. At present, such a strange child has become a topic of discussion all over the world, which has two private parts. Yes, even if you do not believe this for a moment, but this is the truth. A baby with two private parts has been born in the neighboring country of Pakistan.

According to the report of Daily Mail, the child is completely healthy and the most important thing is that he is able to urinate from both his private parts. It is being told that one private part of the child is one centimeter bigger than the other. This is really surprising. The doctors were also shocked to see this child, because they had never seen such a child before, who had two private parts. The special thing is that due to being healthy, the child was also discharged after being kept in the hospital for two days.

The report related to this strange child has also been published in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. It has been claimed in the report that this child, born in a hospital in Islamabad, may have two private parts, but one such organ is also missing from his body, which is very important. According to the doctors, there is no anus in the child’s body. In such a situation, he was not able to pass his stool. Then the doctors made a hole in his body through surgery, so that he could pass stool.

It is being told that in the medical world such a condition is known as Diphallia. It has been told in the report that only one such case is ever seen in 60 lakhs and 100 such cases have come to the fore in the history so far. The first case related to this came to the fore in the year 1609. Although doctors have not yet been able to find out the reason why two or two private parts develop in a human being.