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Map of ‘Akhand Bharat’ in Indian Parliament, Bangladeshi angry, PM Sheikh Hasina seeking answer from India

Bangladeshi leaders are agitated over the installation of a map of ‘Akhand Bharat’ in the new building of the Indian Parliament. Now the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Shahriyar Alam has said that our government is going to seek clarification from the Government of India in this whole matter. Earlier, Nepal and Pakistan have also expressed their strong opposition to this graffiti. The Bangladeshi minister said that we have instructed our High Commission in New Delhi to contact the Ministry of External Affairs of India on the map of ‘Akhand Bharat’. The area of ​​Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan is also included in this mural.

Earlier, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs has made it clear that this is not a map of unbroken India but the territory of Emperor Ashoka’s rule. Bangladeshi minister Alam told reporters in Dhaka that the government is in the process of seeking answers from India in this regard. Alam made this comment at a time when Bangladesh’s main opposition party BNP had termed this graffiti as a threat to the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh. Minister Alam said that there is widespread anger over this map.

Nepali leader warned India about this map

Alam said that we are seeking clarification from the Ministry of External Affairs of India as to what is their official stand. Earlier, former Prime Minister of Nepal Baburam Bhattarai had warned India about this graffiti. Lumbini and Kapilvastu of Nepal are also shown in this map. The Bangladeshi minister agreed with the statement of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and believed that this mural does not show political reality but cultural expansion.

According to a report in The Hindu, the Bangladesh government seeking an answer from India shows that there is a lot of pressure on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government. That too at a time when the power crisis is going on in the country and this crisis increased even more when the country’s largest thermal power plant was shut down on Monday. Bangladesh has stopped importing coal from abroad in view of the dollar crisis. Dollar crisis has increased further when Ukraine crisis started. Apart from this, the economy of Bangladesh depends on imports.