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Uttarakhand: BJP Kisan Morcha expressed gratitude to the central government, told the increase in the MSP of food grains, a good step in the interest of farmers

BJP Kisan Morcha expressed gratitude to the central government for the increase in the MSP of food grains by the central government with the aim of doubling the income of farmers. Expressing gratitude to the central government, shared information about the benefits to farmers from this increased support price.

Pundir told the way Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working in the interest of the farmers, how the income of the farmers should be doubled and 50% of the cost should be benefited, for this purpose, the central government has made minimum production of coarse grains, paddy, urad, dal, arhar, jowar, millet etc. The support price has been increased, definitely after getting this support price, there will be prosperity on the face of the farmers, for this we express our gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.