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Uttar Pradesh / Ambedkar Nagar: Pandit ji ran away after seeing the fight in the marriage, then the policeman made him go around by reciting mantras

Till now you must have seen the police catching the criminals and pacifying the quarrels, but after watching the viral video on social media, you will also think whether the police can do this work too? Do not be surprised, the police have not done any wrong thing, but have played the role of ‘Pandit ji’ in a marriage. A constable of UP Police has solemnized a marriage by chanting Vedic mantras.

Law information given with seven words

According to the information, the matter is related to Ambedkar Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. Here no pundit ji was found to take the bride and groom for a round, so a policeman recited the mantras for marriage. With the chanting of mantras, give seven promises to the bride and groom. At the same time, the constable also informed both of them about the law. This unique marriage took place in Kartora village of Akbarpur tehsil area of Ambedkar Nagar district. It has been told that preparations for marriage were going on here in the village. Meanwhile, the intoxicated Gharati and Baraati clashed. There was a fierce fight between the two. When someone informed the police, the police reached the spot. On the other hand, after listening to the police, the procession ran away.

Pandit ran away due to fear of police

The police pacified the matter and asked them to start the wedding rituals. Meanwhile, it was learned that Pandit ji had also run away. The problem arose in front of both the parties as to who would get the marriage done now. In such a situation, a constable of the district police came forward and started chanting. During this, a person present there made a video from his mobile and shared it on social media.