Hail rained like ‘bomb’ from the sky here, 2 people died, see the fierce form of nature in the video
It is said that nature has the greatest power. If nature comes in its fiercest form, then even humans cannot handle it. One such video has surfaced from Italy. Recently, there was a terrible hailstorm in Italy (Hailstorm Video). The hailstones were so big that they were damaging whatever object they fell on.
Aquesta passada nit i matinada s'han produït tempestes molt violentes al nord d'Itàlia, on les ratxes de vent i la pedra han deixat almenys dues víctimes mortals. Les imatges que arriben des de Gerenzano (a 24km de Milà) fan por: pic.twitter.com/KDcGqoqXfa
— Àlex (@alexsnclmnt) July 25, 2023
Sharing the video, a user wrote – Last night and morning a very violent storm hit northern Italy, where at least two people died due to gusts of wind and stones. The pictures coming from Garenzano (24 km from Milan) are scary.