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24 Indians were begging in Nepal saying there is a natural disaster in India, the police caught them

Nepal Police detained 24 beggars from India, including 12 minors, for possessing fake documents and posing as victims of natural calamity and later deported back (to India). According to the police, all 24 people belonging to Rajasthan were detained while begging on the streets of Birtamode, Nepal side of Indo-Nepal border area.

Police told that they were begging for money by making different excuses with several small children including a six-month-old baby in their hands. According to the police, they had forged documents and claimed that they were victims of a natural disaster in India and that they had lost their homes due to the disaster. The police, with the help of Birtamod Municipal Corporation, found that they were living in groups in a rented room at Birtamod Buspark.

According to the police, they were taken into custody and taken in a police vehicle to the other side of the border at Mechi bridge in Kankarbhitta area. Police told that as soon as the festival season comes in Nepal, the number of beggars from across the border starts increasing in Nepal.