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‘Trudeau has made allegations…’, America reacts to the dispute between India and Canada!

The tension between Canada and India is at its peak over the murder of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh. Canada on Monday expelled a top Indian diplomat alleging India’s involvement in the murder of Khalistani terrorist, after which India also expelled Canada  An order has been issued to a top diplomat to leave the country within five days. America has now expressed concern over the ongoing tension between India and Canada over the killing of a Khalistani terrorist.

America has said that it is ‘extremely concerned’ by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s allegations against India over the murder of a ‘Sikh activist’ in Surrey city of Canada.

According to news agency AP, White House National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said, ‘We are extremely concerned about the allegations made by Prime Minister Trudeau.  We remain in regular contact with our Canadian colleagues.  It is imperative that Canada investigates and brings the perpetrators to justice.’

Canadian Prime Minister made serious allegations against India

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday spoke in the Canadian Parliament, the House of Commons, about India’s involvement in the murder of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. He had said, ‘Canadian security agencies are actively investigating allegations of links between the Indian government and the murder of Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar. The involvement of any foreign government in the murder of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil will not be tolerated. This is a violation of our sovereignty. This is completely unacceptable.

After this Canada announced the expulsion of a top diplomat of India. Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie said in a press conference, ‘We are expelling a prominent diplomat of India. But we will get to the bottom of this matter, if all this is proven true then it will be a major violation of our sovereignty and the basic rule of respecting each other.

India took this step in response

India has completely rejected the allegations made by the Canadian government. India says that the allegations of Indian government’s involvement in any incident of violence in Canada are absurd and motivated. In response, India on Tuesday summoned the Canadian High Commissioner and informed him of expelling a top Canadian diplomat. India has given five days to the Canadian diplomat to leave the country.

Who was Hardeep Singh Nijjar?

Khalistan supporter Hardeep Singh Nijjar was declared a fugitive and terrorist by Indian security agencies and carried a reward of Rs 10 lakh. In June 2023, he was shot dead in Surrey city of Canada. In the initial investigation, Canadian police said that Nijjar was shot by two assailants.