The wait is over, flying car will come in the market! Latest update regarding launching time and price has come out.

Flying cars seen in movies will now be in people’s hands. Although many companies have already launched flying cars, now it will be within the reach of common people also. According to the latest update, this car will come in the market next year, which any common man will be able to buy. The price of this car will be around Rs 1.5 crore. American company Pivotal Helix has decided to launch this car in the market in 2024, which will travel about 300 kilometers on a single charge.
Delivery will be available in June 2024
According to the company, the delivery of this electric car with vertical take off and landing (EVTOL) will be started in June next year. This car, designed like a hybrid helicopter, has been built keeping in mind the micro light aircraft rules. This car made of carbon fiber will be about 13 feet wide, 13 feet long and 5 feet high. The weight will be around 150 kg. The biggest part of this car will be the battery. There will be no need for a pilot license to fly it.
The car was made by a Chinese company
Let us tell you that in the year 2022, China’s Electronic Xpeng Inc. company had made a flying car, which was launched in Dubai. The X2 electric vertical take-off and landing car has 2 seats. At the same time, 8 propellers lift this car in the air. This car starts with just one button. People traveling in it will be able to take off and land without much effort. This car does not emit carbon dioxide. To reduce the weight of the car, it is made entirely of fiber.
American company also made the car
A company named Aleph Aeronautics also made a flying car. It was introduced at the Detroit Auto Show in September 2023. The prototype model of the car was shown to the world. This car has received legal approval. The price of this 2 seater car can be around Rs 2.46 crore, but the company has not yet cleared when it will be launched. This electric car can go up to 200 miles. Its range will be 110 miles. The driver will remain stationary while the car flies.