Cyber criminals challenged Uttarakhand Police, hacked Facebook page and posted obscene pictures
Big news is coming out from Uttarakhand. This time the cyber criminals challenged the Uttarakhand Police itself. Let us tell you that cyber criminals hacked the official Facebook page of Uttarakhand Police. At present STF and cyber police have started investigating the matter.
Photo uploaded by cyber criminals
Cyber criminals challenged Uttarakhand Police
The incident happened on Sunday afternoon. Cyber criminals obtained the password and login ID of the official Facebook page of Uttarakhand Police and changed the Facebook profile picture to an obscene picture of a girl. Within no time, people started showering comments on this.
Facebook page hacked and obscene picture posted
As soon as it was noticed, the police social media team changed the profile picture. As soon as the news went viral, there was a stir in the police department. The team of STF police and cyber police has started investigating the case.