Bathing, eating and defecating… how they spent 17 days inside the Silkyara tunnel, workers told their ordeal, PM Modi talked about

All 41 laborers trapped in Uttarkashi Tunnel have been rescued safely. The faces of the workers lit up as soon as they came out. His family members also heaved a sigh of relief. These workers were fighting for their lives inside the tunnel for 17 days. Finally, last evening the rescue team was successful in taking him out. After coming out, the workers narrated their ordeal. He told how he spent so many days inside the tunnel.
Chamra Oraon, a laborer from Jharkhand who was trapped in the tunnel, told the news agency after coming out that during these 17 days he spent his time playing Ludo on the phone. Because, due to lack of network we could not call anyone. Took bath in the mountain water coming in the tunnel. Initially I satisfied my hunger by eating puffed rice etc. There was a lot of space inside the tunnel. A place was earmarked for defecation.
Recalling the incident of that day, Oraon said that everyone was working inside the tunnel on the morning of 12 November. Then a loud noise was heard and suddenly a lot of debris fell. Many laborers like me got trapped in the same. Couldn’t get out. When we realized that we were stuck for a long time, we became restless. But we did not lose hope. Heartfelt thanks to God, government and rescue workers. The rescue team people and officials were taking information from moment to moment and were assuring us.
PM talked to the workers
At the same time, Saba Ahmed of Yuva Engineering Company Limited gave information about the laborers to PM Narendra Modi over phone. Saba told that we remained stuck in the tunnel for so many days, but not even for a single day did we feel that we were feeling weak or nervous. There were 41 people inside the tunnel and everyone lived like brothers. Didn’t cause any problem to anyone.
Spent days like this inside the tunnel
Saba Ahmed said that when food came, we used to sit together and eat at one place. After having dinner at night, he used to tell everyone to go for a walk. The tunnel lane was two and a half kilometers long, we used to walk in it. After this, we all used to walk and do yoga in the morning.
At the same time, Akhilesh Kumar, resident of Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, says – There were problems inside the tunnel for the first few days but when the government and officials established contact with us, we felt relieved. Food, water etc. were reaching through pipes. Later we also started talking on phone. The prayers of the countrymen came in handy.
What did the officer say?
Regarding the rescue operation, Additional Secretary of the Road Transport and Highways Department of the Government of India, Mahmood Ahmed said – We were confident that we would be successful. Knew about the safety protocols. We were moving ahead with restraint. It would take time but it was certain that we would be successful in evacuating the workers.
At the same time, Colonel Deepak Patil of NHIDCL told that the workers who were trapped in the tunnel were playing cricket etc. to pass time inside. He was given ration for 15 days. He was told to sing songs etc. Don’t be sad. Also, instructions were given not to sit near the fallen debris. The bars etc. were cut and removed. No one got hurt. Everyone came out safely.
Workers were stranded since 12 November
These workers were trapped in the Silkyara tunnel due to tunnel collapse on 12 November. A rapid operation was being carried out to bring them out safely. But the operation was getting interrupted again and again. Even on Monday, the auger machine which came from America had broken down. After this, help of experts in rat mining was taken. These rat miners had dug up to 12 meters in less than 36 hours. Only with their help could the workers be reached and rescued.
Know about those 41 laborers who defeated death and won the battle of life…see full list
In Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand, 41 laborers trapped in the tunnel for the last 17 days have been rescued safely. The whole country seems excited by the success of this rescue operation because everyone was expecting the safe return of the workers and they did come back. The families of the workers are very happy with their return and are thanking the government.
These are the 41 laborers who were trapped in the tunnel
- Ankit, UP
- Rammilan, UP
- Satyadev, UP
- Santosh, UP
- Jaiprakash, UP
- Akhileshkumar, UP
- Manjeet, UP
- Ramsundar, UP
- Pushkar, Uttarakhand
- Gabbarsih Negi, Uttarakhand
- Sabah Ahmed, Bihar
- Sonushah, Bihar
- Virendrakisku, Bihar
- Sushilkumar, Bihar
- Deepak Kumar, Bihar
- Vishwajitkumar, Jharkhand
- Subodhkumar, Jharkhand
- Anilbediya, Jharkhand
- Rajendrabediya, Jharkhand
- Sukram, Jharkhand
- Tikusardar, Jharkhand
- Gunodhar, Jharkhand
- Ranjit, Jharkhand
- Ravindra, Jharkhand
- Sameer, Jharkhand
- Mahadev, Jharkhand
- Mudtumurm, Jharkhand
- Chamraurao, Jharkhand
- Vijayhoro, Jharkhand
- Ganpati, Jharkhand
- Manir Talukdar, West Bengal
- Sevik Pakhera, West Bengal
- Jaydev Parmanik, West Bengal
- Sapan Mandal, Odisha
- Bhagwanbatra, Odisha
- Visheshnayak, Odisha
- Rajunayak, Odisha
- Dhiren, Odisha
- Sanjay, Assam
- Ramprasad, Assam
- Vijay Kumar, Himachal Pradesh