Karnataka / Bengaluru: 1-2 not 13000 dirty photos, girl opened gallery of boy’s phone to delete her photo, then she was shocked

A 22-year-old girl in Karnataka’s capital Bengaluru was shocked when she saw the gallery of her boyfriend’s phone. There were about 13,000 nude photos of different girls in the boy’s gallery. Some of these photos were also of his girlfriend. Both boy and girl work in the same company. Both of them had met only about five months ago.
According to the report of Times of India, the girl had opened the boyfriend’s mobile phone without his knowledge to delete his intimate photos. After seeing these pictures, she immediately broke up with her boyfriend and reported the matter to her seniors in her office on November 20 to save her other colleagues from any trouble in the future.
The girl’s boyfriend had about 13,000 nude photos on his phone, which also included photos of other girls in his office. According to the report, the girl suspects that many of the photographs have been tampered with. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the Bellandur-based BPO company filed a formal complaint against the accused youth at the cyber crime police station on November 23.
TOI report quoted a company spokesperson as saying, “This incident could have affected many other women. Although she had not caused any harm to other women in the office, no one was aware of her intentions. If the pictures were leaked it would have shocked him. We wanted to let the police know that this is a potential issue.’ The company further clarified that Santosh had not used any of the company’s devices to morph the photos.