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Bihar: Announcement of demonstration outside the Legislative Assembly on 13 February, after this announcement of employed teachers, the Education Department took a big step

Strict action will be taken against the teachers protesting against the competency test in the state. The Education Department has given orders to all the District Magistrates to identify such teachers and register an FIR against them.

In this regard, Director of Secondary Education Kanhaiya Prasad Srivastava informed all the District Magistrates on Monday. In his instructions, the Director has asked all the District Magistrates to register an FIR under Section 186 and Section 187 of the IPC and other relevant sections against the teachers who oppose the competency test.

The teachers who participated in the protest should be identified and disciplinary action should be initiated against them under the departmental rules.

Announcement to demonstrate in front of the Assembly on 13 February
In the instructions given to the District Magistrates, the Director of Secondary Education has clarified that information has been received through various mediums that the employed teachers have announced to boycott the competency test and demonstrate in front of the Legislative Assembly on 13 February.

Since schools will remain open on 13th February, in such a situation, if teachers leave the schools and join such protests, it will be clear that the teaching work of the schools is being disrupted.

District Magistrates have been instructed that if any kind of protest demonstration is organized by the teachers employed in your district, then it should be considered as unlawful assembly under Section 141 of the IPC and necessary action should be taken.

The exam is to be held between 26 February to 13 March
It is noteworthy that various teacher organizations have decided that employed teachers will not fill the examination form and will boycott the competency test. Actually, the Education Department has decided to take the competency of the appointed teachers to make them state employees.

To pass the competency test, employed teachers have been given three options. If he does not pass the examination, a recommendation has been made by the committee concerned to relieve him from service. The competency test will be conducted online (computer based) by Bihar School Examination Board.

The first competency test is scheduled to be held between February 26 and March 13. To sit in this, online forms are being filled from February 1st. The last date to fill the online form is 15th February.