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CM Yogi roared in Haldwani, said- Uttarakhand is the land that gave birth to many great men

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reached Haldwani today. Where he addressed the public meeting in BJP’s Vijay Sankalp rally organized at MB Inter College. He said that Uttarakhand is the land that has given birth to many great men.

Uttarakhand is the land that gave birth to many great men
CM Yogi said that Uttarakhand is the land which has given birth to many great men. The first Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant, Narayan Dutt Tiwari and Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna were born from this land. He said that I pay my respects to such a land.

Shankar is in every pebble of Devbhoomi
CM Yogi said that there is Shankar in every pebble of Devbhoomi. He said that my childhood was spent in Uttarakhand only. Earlier people had to go far away to fetch water. But today in Uttarakhand, due to the scheme of providing tap water to every house, water is reaching 90 out of 100 houses.

Congress names the country’s problems
CM Yogi Aditya Nath said that the name of the country’s problems is Congress. All the problems in the country like terrorism, Naxalism, casteism, corruption are the contribution of Congress. He said that under the leadership of PM Modi, all the problems have been solved and the country has touched new heights of glory.

CM Yogi said that earlier there used to be bombings in UP but now Kavad Yatra starts with the slogan of Har Har Bam Bam. Along with this, he said that the criminals in UP have the misconception that they will commit crimes and run away to Uttarakhand. But I will not leave them so that they can come to Devbhoomi and defile it.