Beware of reel makers in Dham; If this is done then police will take action…travel plan also ready

Police has prepared a travel plan for Kedarnath Yatra. In this, the police will keep a close watch on the traffic during Kedarnath Yatra, problems of travelers coming from India and abroad, animal cruelty and supply of drugs.
Instructions have been issued to all police personnel to behave politely with the passengers. Misbehavior with the devotees of the police force deployed on duty will not be forgivable under any circumstances.
During a conversation with journalists on Tuesday, Superintendent of Police Dr. Vishakha Bhadane said that for the successful operation of traffic during the Kedarnath Yatra period, Deputy Superintendent of Police Rudraprayag has been made the nodal officer for the traffic system. While going to Kedarnath, the route will be from Kund to Guptkashi, Phata to Sonprayag.
Most important parking of Sitapur and Sonprayag
On returning from Kedarnath, we will be sent from Guptkashi to Agastyamuni via Kund via Kalimath Tirah, Chunni Band. This is being done so that the problem of unnecessary traffic jam on these narrow roads can be avoided.
Regarding parking, SP said that the most important is the parking of Sitapur and Sonprayag. Apart from these, several mini parking lots have been developed, which will be used as per requirement. There is more traffic and crowd pressure during the travel season, due to which the pressure of passengers increases in Sonprayag.
For this, traffic will be operated by stopping the passengers at the barriers for a short time. Police control room will be active 24 hours, complete data of how many vehicles are entering the district and how many are going out will be kept.
Deputy Superintendent of Police Guptkashi has been made the nodal officer for Kedarnath Yatra. If any traveler faces any problem in the district area, if any traveler gets separated from his/her relatives, the police control room will be active 24 hours to help them. Police assistance centers have been set up to assist the pilgrims. Multilanguage sign boards (Marathi, Gujarati, English, Hindi and Tamil) will be installed to give instructions, messages and information related to travel.
Legal action will be taken under operation dignity
To maintain the dignity and sanctity of Kedarnath Dham, if indecent acts, wrong reels etc. or an attempt is made to hurt religious sentiments, then legal action will be taken against the concerned under Operation Maryada. During the Kedarnath Dham Yatra period, strict action will be taken against those doing drug trade under the guise of Yatra.
To ensure that the morale of the police force who has come for Kedarnath Dham duty remains high and their problems are resolved, the Deputy Superintendents of Police of the district have been designated as Welfare Officers who will provide weekly reports.
Misbehavior with the devotees by the police force deployed on duty will not be forgivable under any circumstances. All the personnel will behave gently with the devotees. Misbehavior with devotees will not be tolerated.