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Uttarakhand: Pregnant woman was taken to hospital by stretcher after walking 11 km, baby died in the womb

How much development has the government and its officials done in the mountains. Only the hill people can answer this. The pain of the mountain is bigger than the mountain itself. One such picture has emerged from Bageshwar. Where some people are taking the pregnant woman to the hospital by walking 11 km across the bridge with the help of a stretcher.

Woman taken to hospital after walking 11 KM
The road to Sorag village of Kapkot in Bageshwar has been built but it is not suitable for vehicles. According to the information, Rekha Devi (25), wife of Praveen Singh, resident of Sorag village, started labor pain on Friday. With the help of the villagers, the family members walked 11 km with the help of a stretcher and reached the main road through a kutcha bridge over the Pindar river. After which the woman was taken to CHC Kapkot with the help of an ambulance.

Death of baby in womb
Seeing the woman’s condition serious, the doctors referred the woman to the district hospital. On reaching the district hospital, the doctors told that the baby had died in the womb. After which the doctors took the baby out of the womb and were successful in saving the mother. According to the information, gynecologist Dr. Reema Upadhyay told that the child was dead in the stomach. But the condition of the mother is fine now.

Bridge not built for four years
Villagers say that a bridge has not been built across the Pindar river for the last four years. There is not even a hospital in the village. Due to which the villagers are forced to survive in health services. Villagers say that a temporary wooden bridge was built across the Pindar river for the movement of vehicles. Which has flowed into the river. Due to which the movement of vehicles on the bridge has stopped. For this reason, the woman was brought across the bridge and reached the main road. But the woman lost her child due to lack of basic facilities.