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Uttarakhand: Income Tax Department raid continues in Rudrapur even after 24 hours, traders come out in protest

Income Tax Department raid continues in Rudrapur even after 24 hours. Four teams of the Income Tax Department are conducting raids at four places. Now traders have taken to the streets in protest against the raids of the Income Tax Department. Along with businessmen, leaders of Congress and BJP are also involved in the protest.

Income Tax Department raid continues even after 24 hours
On Thursday, the Income Tax Department team had raided the houses and establishments of furniture and plywood traders in Rudrapur. The action of the Income Tax Department team is continuing even after 24 hours. The team’s action is still going on. Let us tell you that the team has raided four establishments of businessmen.

Traders came out in protest
Now traders have come out to protest against the raids of the Income Tax Department. Traders are protesting by taking to the streets. Traders have called the market closed till 1 o’clock. Along with Provincial Industries Trade Board, Devbhoomi Trade Board, leaders of Congress and BJP are also involved in this bandh.

The team interrogated for hours
According to the information received, the Income Tax Department team has raided the establishments, offices and houses of father, son and three wood traders. It is being told that a businessman and his family were not found in the house. At the remaining three places, Income Tax Department teams interrogated the businessmen and their families for hours.