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The woman had ordered ice cream, but a ‘cut finger’ came out from inside the packet

You must have often heard that sometimes lizards and sometimes other insects have been found in the food. Many times pieces of glass and some sharp objects have been found. But now such a case has come to light in Mumbai, hearing which you will be shocked. Where a woman had ordered ice cream online (Mumbai Ice Cream order), but the woman was shocked to see what she found inside it.

Actually, this case has come to light from Malad area of ​​​​Mumbai. According to the report of NDTV, a woman claimed that she had ordered from a famous ice cream brand. After receiving the order, she had eaten more than half the ice cream, then she felt that something was wrong inside. The woman claimed that she found a severed human finger inside the ice cream cone. She was shocked to see this and immediately reached the police station and informed about it. The length of the finger found inside the ice cream was said to be about 2 cm. This ice cream was ordered online by her sister.

Case registered against the ice cream company

The police have registered a case against the ice cream company. The ice cream cone has also been sent for investigation. The police have also sent the human finger found in the ice cream to FSL (Forensic). The police is also investigating the entire matter.

Malad police, while giving information about the incident, said that a woman found a piece of human finger in an ice cream cone ordered online in Malad area of ​​Mumbai. After which the woman reached the police station. We have registered a case against the ice cream company and sent the ice cream for investigation. The human organ found in the ice cream has been sent to FSL (Forensic). According to a senior police officer, the place where the ice cream was made and packed is also being searched.