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Will the agreement between Kim and Putin lead to the Third World War? America is tense, what happened 85 years ago in which 8.5 crore people died

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Putin have made a historic agreement. According to this, if any country attacks North Korea or Russia, then both will give a befitting reply together. Kim has named the new relationship as Alliance. This agreement is so important for both the countries that for the first time in 25 years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited North Korea. Earlier, Putin had visited North Korea for the first time in the year 2000. This time Kim welcomed his special guest on the red carpet. Apart from this, after talking to Putin in Pyongyang, Kim also called a press conference, which is a big deal, because Kim never holds a press conference. According to experts, such an agreement can also trigger the Third World War, because such agreements are very dangerous signs. Let’s understand. Connection of Kim-Putin agreement with World War II

To understand the connection of Kim-Putin’s ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ agreement, we have to go back 85 years. On September 27, 1940, Germany, Japan and Italy signed a tripartite agreement. This agreement, led by German dictator Adolf Hitler, added fuel to the fire of World War II. There was no country left in the world that did not participate in World War II. It became a compulsion for everyone to jump into the war, because this agreement was something like this.

Germany, Japan and Italy were called Axis Powers

Actually, the tripartite agreement was a sample of many agreements between Germany, Italy and Japan. On October 25, 1936, Germany and Italy signed an agreement called Rome-Berlin Axis. A month later, Japan also joined it. All three were called Axis Powers.

Axis powers united against Russia

Actually, this agreement between Germany, Japan and Italy was called Anti Comintern Pact. Which meant anti-communist agreement against Soviet Union, that is, Russia of that time. However, this agreement broke when Germany and Soviet Union entered into a non-aggression pact with each other. On 23 August 1939, both the countries entered into this pact and swore not to enter each other’s territories. It was this agreement that provoked Germany to attack Poland, which started the Second World War.

What was there in the Tripartite Pact that ignited the fire?

In the Tripartite Pact between Germany, Japan and Italy, it was emphasized that the three countries will support each other politically, economically and militarily. If any country attacks any one of the three countries, then the rest of the countries will consider it an attack on themselves and will give a strong response together.

America also could not escape, had to enter the war

The Tripartite Pact is important in the Second World War because most of the countries joined the war because of it. On 7 December 1941, Japan attacked the US naval base Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island in Hawaii. The very next day, i.e. on 8 December, America declared war against Japan. Naturally, this war was not only against Japan, the trilateral agreement was also against Germany and Italy.

Russia-North Korea alliance will increase America’s tension

Historian Dr. Daanpal Singh says that both North Korea and Russia are America’s traditional enemies. There is no possibility of this enmity ever ending. The kind of environment that is going on in the whole world at this time and new alliances are being formed, this meeting is a sign of a big danger. The kind of agreement that has been made between the two countries can lead to the beginning of the Third World War.

What is the math of the Third World War, understand from the expert

According to Dr. Daanpal Singh, China is having a dispute with countries like Taiwan, Philippines and Vietnam in the South China Sea. At the same time, countries like Australia and India have also come together in the form of some agreements in the Pacific region. America’s quarrel with North Korea and Russia is still going on. South Korea, an ally of America, is fighting a balloon war with North Korea. If a war starts in any country amid such a complex equation, then the Third World War can break out.

Why is America worried, what is the benefit to Kim?

According to Dr. Daanpal Singh, America is most worried about this agreement between Russia and North Korea that Russia may start giving its military technology to North Korea. At the same time, about half of North Korea’s oil comes from Russia, but about 80 percent of its business is with China. Putin needs a large amount of ammunition to continue the war in Ukraine, which he can get from North Korea. At the same time, North Korea can get military technology and a large amount of money.