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ISRO got another success in space, Pushpak aircraft landed successfully for the third time

ISRO has achieved another success in space. ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle- LEX-03 (RLV-LEX-03) Pushpak has successfully landed for the third time in a row. After this success, the way has been cleared for ISRO to conduct the orbital re-entry test of Pushpak. This test was conducted at the Aeronautical Test Range in Challakere in Chitradurga district, about 220 km from Bengaluru.

What is RLV Project?

In the RLV project, ISRO is trying to establish human presence in space. Reusable launch vehicle will give ISRO low-cost access to space. This will make going to and coming from space cheaper. After one use, this vehicle can be reused. India has launched hundreds of satellites so far. Currently, India either needs NASA’s help if there is a defect in them or there is no way to fix them. With the help of this launch vehicle, it can be repaired instead of being destroyed. Not only this, it will become easier to do research related to biology and pharma in zero gravity.

Testing of Pushpak aircraft

According to the information received in the media report, the RLV Pushpak aircraft was tested by ISRO at 7.10 am at the Aeronautical Test Range in Challakere in Chitradurga district, about 220 km from Bengaluru. Pushpak was taken to a height of 4.5 km by the Indian Air Force’s Chinook helicopter and released for autonomous landing on the runway. Earlier, when ISRO experimented, Pushpak was released from a cross range of 150 meters. In the third experiment, the crawl range was increased to 500 meters. Pushpar was released at a speed of 320 km per hour.

Experimented twice before

Let us tell you that Pushpak aircraft has been experimented twice before. Earlier, the Pushpak aircraft was landed for the first time on 2 April 2023. After this, the second testing was done on 22 March 2024. Reusable launch vehicle technology is still new for India. Apart from NASA, some other agencies also have this technology. Elon Musk’s company SpaceX has also acquired this technology. India is currently moving rapidly in this direction.