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Nainital’s air once spread the magic of coolness and purity, now it is becoming poisonous

No one in the country or the world may have heard the name of Nainital. As soon as the name of Nainital is taken, fresh, pure air and natural views start floating in people’s mind. But the air of Nainital, which once spread the magic of coolness and purity, is now getting polluted. Reports are calling the air of Nainital the worst air of the mountains.

The air of Nainital is getting polluted

People from every corner of the country come to Nainital to enjoy the cool air. But now the air of Nainital is getting polluted. But the question arises that what happened that the city which was known for its fresh air, now has the smell of pollution in every street there. Nainital has been known for its cool, clean air and freshness for years. But now a blanket of pollution has started covering this clean air.

PM 10 level is continuously increasing in Nainital

According to the Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board, the PM 10 level in Nainital has increased by more than 15 percent in the last one year, which is clearly a danger signal. But why is the PM 10 level of Nainital increasing is a big question. Actually, the reason behind all this is the increasing number of tourists and their vehicles here.

The Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board has stated in its report that in the last one year, the PM 10 level of Nainital has reached 76.77 micrograms per cube. Which is the highest among all the hilly areas. Talking about last year, then this PM 10 level was 64.08. That is, it has increased by 12.69 micrograms.

The weather of Nainital is gradually changing

Let us tell you that even before this, scientists of Arya Bhatt Observational Science Research Institute and Delhi University had published their research on this subject. In which scientists found carbon dioxide particles here which are exactly like those found in global warming and their quantity is very high.

Scientists say that gradually the air of the lake city Nainital is getting polluted and if attention is not paid to this, then in the coming days its deep effect will be seen on the weather of Nainital. Its effect has also started showing in the weather of Nainital, this year there was very little snowfall in Nainital and more heat has also been seen.

What is PM 10 level?

PM 10 tells about the micro particles present in the air. PM10 particles are also called respirable particulate matter. It is used to measure dust particles in the air. The normal level of PM 10 is 100 micrograms per cubic meter. If this level is more than 100 micrograms somewhere, then people living or going there may have breathing, lung and heart related problems.