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The doctor drove the car into a ditch along with his wife and two children, the court gave relief to the accused, he did not get jail sentence

The US court has acquitted an Indian-origin doctor of the charge of throwing his wife and two children into a ditch. At present, the doctor has been ordered to stay with his parents and not leave the country. Along with this, the driving license of the accused has also been confiscated.

What is the whole matter?

Actually this incident is from January last year. When the news came that Indian-origin doctor Dharmesh Patel had thrown his wife and two children, aged seven and four years, into a ditch along with a Tesla car. After which it was revealed that he was struggling with mental problems. Because of which he did this. According to doctors, Patel was suffering from schizoaffective disorder and major depressive disorder. He used to feel that someone was following him. Psychologists told the court that Patel felt that his children could be sexually trafficked. Due to this fear, he threw his children and wife into the ditch.

The court gave relief to the doctor
However, the doctor’s family survived this accident. After which the wife confessed that her husband deliberately pushed her into the ditch. However, she has also demanded that no action be taken against her husband. After listening to the doctors and lawyers, the court decided not to send Patel to jail. Instead of jail, he was allowed to undergo mental treatment.

The court has ordered that the accused be kept with his parents. Also, he will be monitored through GPS. Apart from this, he will have to report to the court once a week. The next hearing of this case will be held on July 1.