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Uttar Pradesh / Amroha: When the buffalo gave birth to a baby, the villager called on dial 112 and called the police to drink the milk

A strange case has come to light from Khushalpur village of Amroha district. A farmer called the police on dial 112 when his buffalo gave birth. When the policemen who reached the spot in a hurry asked the reason, the farmer told that he did not need any help, but he had called them to feed the buffalo milk. The policemen were surprised to hear this and then after advising the farmer, they returned without drinking the milk.

The pregnant buffalo of farmer Jasvir Singh, a resident of Khushalpur village of Rahra police station area, has recently given birth to a calf. Amidst this happiness, a youth of the village advised Jasvir to call the policemen to feed the buffalo milk.

After this, without thinking anything, farmer Jasvir dialed 112 and called PRV on the pretext of some help. When the policemen reached the spot in about ten minutes and came to know the reason, they held their heads. Police cop Sachin Kaushik has shared the video of this entire incident on social media platform.

In the video, the cattle farmer can be heard saying that no crime has been committed against him. He has only called the police to feed milk to celebrate the marriage of his buffalo.

On this, a policeman asked, do you know our name, that you called us to feed milk? In response, the farmer smilingly pointed towards another person and said, “This Bhaiya knows your name.”

However, then the police advised the farmer that PRP is called for any emergency help by complaining on dial 112. Do not misuse it and waste the time of the policemen unnecessarily, because every call is recorded in the control room of the capital Lucknow. The police admitted that the farmer was not aware of the circumstances under which PRV is called.