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Rajasthan connection to the bombing of Pantnagar airport, the accused had used WiFi

The connection of the WiFi used in the case of bomb threat to Pantnagar Airport has come from Rajasthan. The technical team of the district police is busy collecting more data in the case. On June 11, the airport received a bomb threat from an unknown person. After which the security of the airport was increased. Along with this, the police started investigating the matter.

The threat to bomb Pantnagar Airport is linked to Rajasthan in the police investigation. On the basis of technical data, the district police is engaged in further action. Actually, on June 11, 2024 at 5.14 pm, a bomb threat related mail was sent to the office mail ID of the Airport Director and Chief Security Officer at Pantnagar Airport. After which the security of the airport was increased. Along with this, the BDS team was deployed for three days.

On June 13, on the complaint of the Pantnagar Airport Director, the Pantnagar police station registered a case against the unknown and started investigation. In the investigation so far, the technical team has got important clues. The WiFi used by the accused to send the mail is a Rajasthan connection. The team has conducted its investigation and started further action for it. SSP Manju Nath TC said that the WiFi used in the threat to blow up Pantnagar airport has a Rajasthan connection. The team has started the investigation and further action.