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Uttarakhand SDRF jawan got great success, conquered the highest peak of North America

SDRF Jawan Rajendra Singh Nath has made a new record in his name. He has conquered Mount Denali, the highest peak of North America. After this success, everyone is congratulating him.

Uttarakhand SDRF Jawan Rajendra Singh Nath creates history

SDRF Jawan Rajendra Singh Nath has conquered Mount Denali. Let us tell you that Denali is the highest peak of North America. After successfully conquering Mount Denali, SDRF Commander Manikant Mishra has congratulated him.

Started the journey on 10 June

Let us tell you that Rajendra Singh Nath started his journey on 10 June. On 10 June, he left from Jolly Grant Airport. On 13 June, he flew from Delhi. From where he reached Last Road Head Talkeetna in Alaska State of America via Frankfurt.

After this he started the journey on foot. After several days of trekking, Rajendra Singh Nath set out from the summit camp on 23 June to conquer Mount Denali. After climbing the glacier continuously for 12 hours in minus 25-30° temperature, he successfully climbed Mount Denali on 24 June.