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Avalanche occurred in Chorabari glacier, a cloud of snow rose, the incident was captured on camera

On Sunday, a glacier broke in the Himalayan mountain ranges above Chorabari. During the glacier break, a cloud of snow rose there which after some time got absorbed in a deep ravine.

Glacier broke in Chorabari glacier

An avalanche occurred in the Himalayan mountain ranges above Chorabari. During this, a cloud of snow rose in the entire area which the devotees present in the Kedarnath temple area have captured in their cameras.

There was an incident of glacier breaking on June 8 as well

Let us tell you that on June 8 also there was an incident of glacier breaking here. Along with this, in the months of May and June last year, there were five incidents of avalanche in the Companion Glacier area adjoining Chorabari. Let us tell you that in the year 2022 also there was an incident of glacier breaking in this area in the months of September and October.