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Uttarakhand: Bad news for river rafting enthusiasts in Rishikesh, operations are going to be closed from tomorrow

People from all over the country come to Rishikesh for river rafting. But there is bad news for river rafting enthusiasts. From July 1, the operation of river rafting in Ganga will stop. After which rafting lovers will have to wait for two months to do Ganga river rafting.

Operation of river rafting is going to stop from tomorrow

Let us tell you that from July 1, rafting will not be operated in Ganga. That is, only today is left for the thrill of rafting in the waves of Ganga. Giving information, Khushal Negi, Adventure Sports Officer of Ganga River Rafting Committee, said that from July 1, the operation of rafting will be completely stopped.

Will have to wait for two months

According to Khushal Negi, its operation will be closed in July and August due to monsoon season. Rafting will be started again from September 1. Strict action will be taken against those who violate the rules. Let us tell you that the 40km long Kaudiyala-Muni Ki Reti Eco Tourism Zone in Ganga in Rishikesh has made its mark in the entire world for river rafting.