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Bihar: Electricity bill for running 3 bulbs and 2 fans is Rs 31 lakh! Labourer was shocked

A shocking case of the electricity department has come to light in Muzaffarpur, Bihar. A bill of 31 lakhs has been sent to a laborer by the electricity department. This bill is for only 2 months and only two fans and three bulbs are used in the house. The laborer’s family was shocked to see the bill of Rs 31 lakh.

According to the information, Shubhlal Sahni is a resident of Simra Panchayat of Pier police station area of ​​​​Muzaffarpur. Shubhlal Sahni supports the entire family by working as a laborer. The laborer is very worried due to the electricity bill of Rs 31 lakh sent by the electricity department and is constantly making rounds of the electricity department. Due to non-payment of the bill, the electricity of the house was also cut off.

‘Smart meter was installed only two months ago’

Victim laborer Shubhlal Sahni told that the electricity connection in my house is in the name of my wife Phula Devi. I have been sent an electricity bill of Rs 31 lakh. About two months ago, a smart meter of electricity was installed by the department. Electricity kept coming to the house for a few days after this. But a few days ago, the electricity stopped coming.

‘The whole family is upset due to the power cut’

When the power supply did not start even after recharging for Rs 400 on June 20, I went to the electricity department and told the officer. Then I came to know that a bill of about Rs 31 lakh is pending. Only 2 fans and three bulbs are used in my house. Two months ago, the electricity bill of about Rs 2600 was pending. How did the bill suddenly become so high? It is beyond comprehension. The whole family is upset due to power cuts in summer.

The electricity department said this in the matter

Abhishek Ranjan, Junior Electrical Engineer of the Electricity Department, said that a complaint of irregularity has been received. A written application has been sought from the laborer and the matter is being investigated. Information is also being taken from the reader in this matter. Sometimes there is a problem in the electricity meter. Everything will be fixed after investigation.