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Have you fallen ill after getting drenched in the rain? Do this immediately after getting wet

As soon as the rainy season arrives, diseases also come with it. In this changing weather, cold, cough, flu and fever grip the person. It rains anytime in this season.

In such a situation, if you get wet due to sudden rain, then it is common to get sick. Often people get sick after getting wet in the rain. In such a situation, if you want to avoid getting sick after getting wet in the rain, then definitely try these things.

What to do after getting wet in the rain

First of all, you have to avoid getting wet in the rain. If due to some reason you get wet, then by doing these things you will not fall sick.

Change wet clothes immediately

After getting wet in the rain, do not stay in wet clothes. Change them quickly. In this way you will not feel cold. Apart from this, there is also a risk of fungal infection from wet clothes. In such a situation, change clothes as soon as possible.

Take a hot shower

Take a hot shower after getting wet in the rain. Taking a hot shower will keep the body temperature normal. There is also a risk of many types of bacteria in rain water. Due to which skin related problems can be seen. In such a situation, by bathing, bacteria will also not remain in the body.

Do not forget to dry your hair

If you have got wet in the rain, then first of all dry your hair. Apart from towel, you can also use a hair dryer. If the hair remains wet for a long time, then it can cause problems like cold, headache, fever and flu. Therefore, first of all do not forget to dry your hair.

Consume hot things

After getting wet in the rain, definitely consume something hot. You can drink tea or decoction. This will balance the body temperature. Along with this, the immune system will also be good. Which will protect you from diseases like cold and flu.

Bacterial cream will give extra protection

Apart from this, you can also apply bacterial cream for extra protection after getting wet in the rain. This will protect you from infection.