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Uttarakhand: Went to Quarala lake to take bath with friends, died due to drowning, uproar among family members

A student who went to bathe with friends in Kwariala lake died due to drowning. After the news of the student’s death, there is an uproar among the family members. People present nearby are also shocked by this incident.

Went to bathe with friends in Kwariala lake

According to the information received, Champawat resident Dheeraj Tadagi (15) son of Laxman Singh had gone to bathe in Kwariala lake with his friends. While bathing in the lake, he suddenly drowned. When he did not come up for some time, his friends started shouting. Hearing their shouts, people present nearby gathered there. Many people were present there but none of them was a skilled swimmer, due to which the student could not be saved.

Student could not be found after searching for half an hour

Information about the student drowning was given to Rahul Kumar, a swimmer of Duniya village. After which he reached the spot and searched for the student for half an hour. But nothing could be found of the student. During this, the police and SDRF were also informed. After which the police reached the spot and the SDRF swimmers started searching for the student. But still the student could not be found.

The student’s body was found after a lot of hard work

When the student could not be found, angles were placed around the pond. The student’s body got stuck in these angles. After which the student was rescued. He was rushed to the hospital. Where the doctors declared him dead. The student’s death has spread mourning in the entire village.