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Hockey: Hockey India will host this tournament for the first time, players above 40 years of age will participate

Hockey India will host the Masters Cup tournament for men and women players above the age of 40. This is the first time that Hockey India will host this tournament. The aim of this tournament is to celebrate the passion and skill of veteran hockey players. The dates and venue of the tournament will be announced later.

All state member units affiliated to Hockey India are eligible to participate in this event. All eligible players above the age of 40 years who wish to participate in this tournament have to contact their respective member units. These players have to register through the website of Hockey India’s member unit.

Hockey India President Dilip Tirkey said, “We are thrilled to announce the first ever Hockey India Masters Cup. This will be an event that will recognise the dedication and passion of our veteran players. This tournament is a testament to their invaluable contribution to hockey while celebrating their enduring love for the game.”