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Palestine supporters entered Australia’s Parliament, waved banners from the roof of the building

Some pro-Palestine protesters on Thursday entered the Australian Parliament House by dodging its security arrangements and waved banners from the roof of the building. Meanwhile, a member of the Parliament expressed disagreement with the decision regarding the Gaza war and announced his exit from the government. On the last day of the Parliament proceedings after a five-week break, there was a heated debate between the ruling party and the opposition over Israel’s war against Hamas.

Protesters arrested

Four protesters held up banners with the words “war crime” and “genocide” as well as the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” for more than an hour on the façade of the building known as the ‘Great Veranda’. The four protesters were later arrested.

Senator Fatima raised questions

Afghanistan-born Senator Fatima Payman announced that she has left the ruling Labor Party, rejecting the party’s stand on Gaza. Fatima Payman is the only Australian MP who wore a hijab during the House meetings. Fatima told reporters, “My family did not come here as refugees fleeing a war-torn country so that I could remain silent on seeing the atrocities being committed on innocent people.” She said, “Seeing our government’s indifference towards the biggest injustice of our time, I am forced to question the party’s stand.”

What is Australia’s stance?

Australia does not recognise Palestine as a country. The Australian government is committed to a two-nation solution in which Israel and a future Palestine can co-exist in peace and security within internationally recognised borders. Police said the four protesters could be charged with illegally entering Parliament House.