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Security lapse or conspiracy… How and who shot Trump despite the high-tech security of the Secret Service?

Whoever has seen the pictures of the deadly attack on former US President Donald Trump is unable to believe it. Bullets were fired in the election rally and one bullet passed by touching Trump’s ears. He narrowly escaped death in this deadly attack, but this incident that happened in the rally of Pennsylvania has also raised many questions.

The biggest question is how such a big lapse happened in the security of the former president of the world’s most powerful country? How did the attacker reach so close to Trump’s election rally with a weapon? How did the agency deployed in Trump’s security circle not even get a hint of this? Actually, the responsibility of the security of former US presidents lies with the US Secret Service.

US Secret Service agents are deployed in the security of former presidents at all times. Wherever they go, Secret Service agents remain with them. In such a situation, after the attack on Trump, questions are being raised that when the security of the former president is so tight, then how did he get shot? Has he been attacked as part of a conspiracy?

How did a shooter target Trump from a distance of just 100 meters? What was the Secret Service doing during this time? If he was targeted from the roof, what were its agents doing? Why was the Secret Service not present on the roofs of the buildings around the rally? There are many questions and many American agencies including the FBI are investigating this.

The FBI is collecting all the information related to the attack and the attacker. It is also investigating how many associates the attacker had. But the big thing is that America is a country where major political murders have already taken place. Donald Trump is not the first President or former President of America, who has been attempted to be murdered in this way.

There are many names in the political history of America, who have either been murdered, or attempts have been made to kill them. Presidents like Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, lost their lives in the attack. Presidents like Ronald Reagan narrowly escaped death in the attack. In view of such threats, the security of former presidents was provided for 10 years.

Earlier, from 1965 to 1996, former US presidents were given lifetime security. But in the year 1994, it was changed. The security of former presidents was reduced to 10 years instead of lifetime. Under this rule, the Secret Service was engaged in the security of Trump. It was during this security that Trump was fired upon in the rally.

This attack is surprising, because due to a lapse in security, Trump narrowly escaped death. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has issued a statement after the deadly attack on him. He told that he was holding a rally in Pennsylvania for the presidential election to be held on November 5. During this time, he was shot, in which he got injured.

Through a post on his Truth social account, Trump told that he was shot on the upper part of his right ear and he is injured. Along with this, Trump has thanked the Secret Service and other law agencies for responding immediately to this incident. He said that after hearing the sound of bullets, he immediately understood that something was wrong.

He said, “The bullet touched my skin and went out. A lot of blood came out. I realized what was happening. It is unbelievable that such acts can happen in our country.” The Secret Service has also issued a statement regarding this attack. It has been said from its side that the attacker had fired from a high place outside the rally venue.

On the firing incident at the Pennsylvania rally, President Joe Biden has said that there is no place for such violence in America. Journalists asked Biden whether there was a murder conspiracy. In response to this, he told that full evidence has not been found about this yet. He said, “I do not have enough information. No such facts have been found yet”.

Let us tell you that the United States Secret Service was established to protect the American President. The Secret Service is also responsible for the security of the White House, top officials, top leaders as well as former presidents. Its agents assess the danger before it happens. They are known to prevent any untoward incident before it happens.