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Russia’s FAB-3000 bomb has taken Biden’s sleep away, claims to be ahead of America’s Patriot air defense

Russia has used one of its 3000 kg bombs in the Ukraine war, about which it claims that the air defense systems of the West are ineffective in front of this new weapon. On July 14, the Russian Defense Ministry released video footage of the FAB-3000 glide bomb being attached to a Sukhoi SU-34 fighter jet and later dropped on a target within Ukrainian territory. The ministry has said that the FAB-3000 is a force that no one can ignore. On July 15, a SU-34 pilot claimed to have penetrated Western defense systems with this bomb. The pilot even said that Western defense systems like the Patriot and Gepard systems are ineffective against these glide bombs. After the use of this bomb, America’s tension is sure to increase.

Western air defense system ineffective

According to the Eurasian Times report, the Russian pilot claimed that ‘the adversary cannot shoot down our bombs today. Neither Patriot nor Gepard can shoot down glide bombs. That’s why they are afraid of them.’ The pilot further said that the FAB-3000, equipped with a universal planning and correction module, has an accuracy of 10 meters. The heavy weight of the FAB-3000, combined with its advanced guidance systems, contributes to its accuracy.

What is Russia’s FAB-3000 bomb?

The FAB-3000 is an old Soviet-era bomb that has been modernized with new guidance systems. It can carry out accurate strikes from a great distance. This upgrade has given Russia a significant tactical advantage. A source in the Russian defense industry revealed that the FAB-3000 glide bomb can hit targets from a distance of 50 to 60 kilometers. The source said that the bomb follows a ballistic trajectory, its range and accuracy are affected by the speed and altitude of release.

1400 kg TNT

The bomb carries 1,400 kg of TNT and includes a Universal Gliding and Correction Module (UMPK) that enhances its ability to hit its target. The Vikas FAB-3000 was designed in the Soviet era to target large-scale structures such as industrial facilities, hydroelectric dams and fortifications. Its new production since February this year reflects its strategic importance in the ongoing war with Ukraine.