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People on the streets against the PAK army in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; raised slogans of ‘Army Go Back’, said- Army is oppressing people in the name of terrorists

People have revolted against the army in Pakistan’s border province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. More than 10 thousand Pashtun people of the area are on the streets on Saturday. The protesters are raising slogans of ‘Army Go Back’. They say that the army has created terror in the area.

There is unrest due to the army’s presence in the area and due to this terrorist attacks are increasing. Pashtuns are demanding to stop the military operation being carried out in the Khyber area. According to protest leader Jamaluddin Wazir, the Pakistani army has been oppressing the people in the name of the campaign to end terrorism in the area for 20 years.

The protesters accuse the Pakistani army of torturing the common people in the name of terrorism. It arrests anyone whenever it wants. Let us tell you that on Friday, the army opened fire when the protesters surrounded the army camp. So far 7 protesters have died due to this.

The Pakistani government had said at the beginning of the year that the army would launch a new campaign to combat violence in areas bordering Afghanistan. The government says that the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) organization has made inroads on the Pak-Afghan border.

This organization is carrying out terrorist attacks in Khyber and other areas. However, the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa say that it is targeting common Pashtuns in the name of operation on TTP. Those who speak against the Pakistani government are being arrested illegally.

Three terrorist attacks in Khyber in 24 hours, 4 dead

In 24 hours, 4 people have died in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area. At the same time, 30 are injured. Now terrorists are attacking with remote control and drones in addition to suicide attacks. 179 terrorist incidents have taken place in the first 4 months of the year. Mostly army and policemen have been targeted.

Health emergency imposed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The local government imposed a health emergency after clashes between protesters and the army. In view of the situation, the Khyber Health Department has asked all health workers, including doctors and paramedics of all government and non-government hospitals, to remain on high alert.

What is TTP

In 2002, the US Army attacked Afghanistan to avenge the 9/11 terrorist attack. Fearing US action in Afghanistan, many terrorists hid in the tribal areas of Pakistan. During this time, the Pakistan Army liberated the Lal Masjid of Islamabad from the control of a radical preacher and terrorists.

Although the radical preacher was once considered close to the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI, but after this incident, the Pakistani Army started facing opposition in the Swat Valley. Due to this, many rebel groups started growing in the tribal areas.

In such a situation, in December 2007, 13 groups under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud decided to join a Tehreek i.e. campaign, hence the organization was named Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. In short, it is also called TTP or Pakistani Taliban.

Of all the terrorist organizations that have come into existence so far in Pakistan, which is called the factory of terrorism, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan is considered the most dangerous.