Taliban took a big step against Pakistan, did not accept POK as a part of Pakistan, did it confirm India’s claim

The Taliban, which rules Afghanistan, has given a big blow to Pakistan. The Taliban has refused to accept Pakistan’s claim on the occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir (POK). The Taliban has evaluated the borders of Afghanistan for the first time in three decades. The Taliban’s Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs said that it has evaluated the imaginary line with Pakistan (possibly the Durand Line), the official borders with Tajikistan and Jammu and Kashmir. Afghanistan’s leading media outlet Tolo News has given this information. The statement said that these borders have not been evaluated for three decades. Let us understand how this statement is a setback for Pakistan and good news for India.
Pakistan’s claim on POK rejected
Interestingly, the Taliban ministry has not used ‘Pakistan-occupied territory’ for Jammu and Kashmir in this statement. That is, the Taliban ministry is not accepting Pakistan’s claim on POK. This is the same stand that India has taken against this occupation from the very beginning. India has never recognised PoK and has called it an integral part of Jammu and Kashmir, which New Delhi has set as its goal to acquire.
According to a statement by the Taliban’s Border and Tribal Ministry, it has assessed Afghanistan’s borders after three decades, which include Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan and China. According to the statement, a delegation from the ministry assessed the official borders of Jammu and Kashmir and Tajikistan along with the imaginary line with Pakistan in Kuran and Munjan districts in Wakhan, Zebak and Badakhshan.
Close to India’s official position
It is clear from this statement that the Taliban has rejected Pakistan’s claim on PoK. With this move of the Taliban, Afghanistan’s border will directly meet India’s Jammu and Kashmir region, which establishes a direct neighbour of both the countries. India’s official position in this matter is also the same and it considers Afghanistan as a neighbour through PoK.