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Uttarakhand / Haldwani: After the birth of a daughter, in-laws became enemies of life, beat me mercilessly, stopped giving me food

In Haldwani, the in-laws crossed all limits of cruelty with their daughter-in-law after the birth of a daughter. When the daughter-in-law gave birth to a second daughter, she was beaten up by her husband, mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Along with this, she was locked in a room. Food was also stopped from being given to her. The woman has complained but the police have not yet registered a case.

In-laws became enemies of life after the birth of a daughter

According to the information received, Rekha Joshi, a resident of Laldanth Road, was married in the year 2017. After marriage, the husband wanted to have a son, so he pressured his wife for a fetus test. Along with this, he threatened to kill the wife if she had a daughter.

When the wife opposed this, she was beaten up even after she became pregnant. Due to which she had a miscarriage. In the year 2023, the woman became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter. After the birth of the daughter, the behavior of her in-laws changed completely. They beat up the woman. They even locked her in the room and stopped giving her food and drink.

Beaten with a pressure cooker and cut on many places on the body

The woman has alleged that on the night of June 13, her in-laws beat her with kicks and punches and a pressure cooker. Not only this, they also cut her on many places on her body. The woman has also given the CCTV footage of the incident to the police.

In which it is seen that many people are beating a woman. The woman is trying to save a small girl. This video is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In this case, SO Mukhani Pankaj Joshi said that he has received the complaint. But any action will be taken in this case only after investigation.