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Kargil was the biggest mistake, Pakistan is suffering till date… Pakistani expert exposed the truth, told how Musharraf had planned the game

Every year on 26th July, the entire country along with the Indian Army celebrates Kargil Vijay Diwas. This is the date on which Indian soldiers drove out the Pakistani army and hoisted the tricolor on all the peaks of Kargil. India had a decisive victory in this war. The importance of this war also becomes very big because by that time Pakistan had acquired the nuclear bomb. Despite this, India fought strongly against Pakistan without any pressure and not only defeated it but also exposed it to the whole world. Pakistan had made a huge mistake by starting the Kargil war with India, the consequences of which it is suffering till date. Pakistani experts believe this about this war.

Pakistan is suffering the consequences of Kargil

Pakistani journalist Arzoo Kazmi tried to understand about the Kargil war from Pakistani expert Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed on her YouTube channel. Dr. Ahmed says that the Kargil war is such a mistake from which Pakistan has not been able to recover till date. He told that in May 1998, both India and Pakistan conducted nuclear tests. Both countries officially became nuclear powers. After this, the leaders of both the countries decided that now there can be no war with nuclear weapons, so why not start working towards peace.

Musharraf was against friendship from the very beginning

Ishtiyat Ahmed said that this was a very big step. Most of the credit for this goes to the then Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee, but Nawaz Sharif should also be given credit. He tells that when Vajpayee came to Lahore in February 1999, the then General of the Pakistani Army and later the ruler of the coup, Pervez Musharraf, refused to salute. It was clear at that time that the army is not with the government of Pakistan. Not only this, on the instructions of ISI, Jamaat-e-Islami also threw stones at Vajpayee’s convoy.

He said that Vajpayee’s visit was very successful. Lahore Agreement was signed between the two countries, which marked the beginning of a new beginning in relations. But within a few months of Vajpayee’s return, it was discovered that the Pakistani army had infiltrated the Kargil area. The Indian army used to return to the Kargil area in winter, which Pakistan took advantage of. This clearly means that when the Prime Minister of India was writing the chapter of friendship with Pakistan, at the same time the Pakistani army was conspiring against India in Kargil.

Pakistan lost respect

Dr. Ahmed says that what the Pakistani generals did made Pakistan an untrustworthy country in the whole world. No one could trust a country that was pretending to be friendly on one hand and on the other hand was occupying the territory of the same friend. Pakistan was proved to be a cunning country in the world. Along with this, India also brought its artillery and air force into the war. Pakistan did not respond to this, this also proved that despite having the nuclear bomb, Pakistan does not have the courage to directly fight India. The Pakistan Army even washed its hands off the issue by calling its soldiers Mujahideen, thereby proving that it cannot even respect its own soldiers.