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Governor Gurmeet Singh honored Divyang car racer Digvijay Singh, expressed happiness over his achievements

Governor Gurmeet Singh honored Divyang player Digvijay Singh, who registered his name in the world record, by giving him a symbol. Digvijay Singh’s name has been registered in 6 records with 4 world records and 2 India records in motor sports. Digvijay Singh is a Divyang since birth. Digvijay has increased the pride of Uttarakhand by winning 45 medals in state and national level competitions in athletics so far.

Divyang player Digvijay Singh has performed excellently in many competitions apart from car and bike racing. In the year 2020, Divyang player Digvijay Singh completed the distance of 3 thousand kilometers from Kanyakumari to Agra in just 58 hours in the Gumball India 2020 rally organized at the national level, this distance had to be covered in 60 hours. Apart from this, in the year 2021, an organization named Gumball India completed a 4 thousand kilometer car race from Koteshwar Dham in Gujarat to Kaho, the last village of the country located on the China border in Arunachal Pradesh, in 76 hours.

Digvijay told that Governor Gurmeet Singh discussed in detail about the achievements made by him. He put forth his demands in writing to the Governor for resolving the problems in the field of sports, which mainly include the government not discriminating between normal and disabled players in the state and providing employment to disabled players who have won medals in national competitions on the lines of normal players. He said that the Governor has assured to fulfill his demands.