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This is an amazing new technology of scientists! For the first time two people talked in their dreams

You must have seen the famous film ‘Inception’. In this film by Christopher Nolan, the characters talk to people in their dreams and steal secrets from their subconscious. However, this happens only in films. But if we tell you that two people can actually talk to each other in their dreams, will you believe it? This may seem imaginary to you. But this is reality. Now it is possible in real life. Now it has become possible for two people to talk to each other in their dreams.

For the first time two people talked in their dreams

American startup REMspace has made this possible. According to the company, this technology can be beneficial for health assistance, skill training etc. The company designed a technology for sleep and dreaming. With this, the conversation between people dreaming can be recorded. For this, scientists have used a special device. Which has a server, a device, WiFi and a sensor. However, the company did not reveal much about the exact technology. This is like a scene from the movie Inception.

How was the research done?

For this research, people were put to sleep in different houses. This was used to find out when people enter lucid dreams and talk. People’s brain waves were tracked using technology. Later, the data was sent to the server.

According to the company, this has been created with the aim of helping and teaching mental health. The company also said that this thing is possible only during lucid dreams.

What is a lucid dream?

In a lucid dream, a person knows that he is dreaming. In this, a person can control himself. Usually this happens during deep sleep.

Exchange of messages between two people in dreams

REMspace CEO Michael Raduga said that talking in dreams was like a story. But in the future, this will become quite common. Humans will not be able to imagine living without this technology. This will make it possible to talk in dreams. The company claimed that REMspace used a ‘specially designed device’ to enable two people to successfully exchange a simple message while lucid dreaming.