Brother, the law is run by the majority… CJI took cognizance of Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav’s statement

The issue of the statement given by Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav of Allahabad High Court in the VHP program has deepened. A complaint was made to the Supreme Court in this matter. Now the Supreme Court is seen in action mode on this. A complaint was made against Justice Yadav by sending a letter to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. In this regard, it has now come to light that the Supreme Court has taken cognizance of the report published in the newspapers about a speech given by Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav of Allahabad High Court. In a statement issued by the Supreme Court, it has been said that details and information have been sought from the High Court in this regard. This matter is still under consideration. Actually, he had given a statement that the law runs by the majority.
Controversy over the statement
The controversy over the statement of Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav is continuously deepening. Many famous lawyers have condemned the statement of Justice Yadav in this matter. The matter of Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav’s statement had reached the Supreme Court. Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms (CJAR) had written a letter to the Chief Justice of India complaining about the statement.
CJAR demanded an in-house investigation of Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav’s statement. According to the information, the Chief Justice of India has taken cognizance of the matter on the media report. Regarding the matter, the Supreme Court has said that the matter is under consideration.
Statement of the wishes of the majority
Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav of Allahabad High Court gave a controversial statement in a program of Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s legal cell in Prayagraj on November 8. Justice Shekhar said in the program that I have no problem in saying that India will run according to the wishes of the majority. He also said that I am not saying this as a High Court judge, whatever is acceptable to most people in the family or society. That is what is accepted.
Kapil Sibal attacked
Rajya Sabha MP and lawyer Kapil Sibal has given a big reaction to Justice Yadav’s statement. He said on Justice Yadav’s statement that this is a matter of breaking India. He said that even politicians do not say such things. He is sitting on the post of protecting the Constitution. These words do not suit him. He asked in a questioning tone that how is a judge appointed who gives such statements? How do people dare to give such statements?
Taking a dig at the Modi government, Kapil Sibal said that why is this happening only in the last 10 years? There are some people who give such statements and resign and join BJP. After this they become Rajya Sabha members. I think the Supreme Court should take strict action in such cases. That person should not be allowed to sit on the chair. Not a single case should go to him.
Preparation to bring impeachment
Kapil Sibal has said that action is being taken in the case of Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav. He said that discussions have been held with Digvijay Singh, Vivek Tankha, Javed Ali, Mohan Jha, CPM party etc. We will meet soon. We will bring an impeachment motion against the judge. We have no other option left. He said that all those who believe in the independence of the judiciary will join us.
Kapil Sibal has also talked about support from the central government and the ruling party in this matter. He said that those who support such statements cannot be well-wishers of the independence of the judiciary. Therefore, everyone should support our proposal.