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SHSRC formed in Uttarakhand on the lines of the Centre, will prepare strategy for the health department

The state government is taking several initiatives to improve health facilities in Uttarakhand. In this episode, the state government has formed the State Health Systems Resource Center (SHSRC) to expand the health services of the state and improve the quality. SHSRC will not only prepare a concrete strategy to strengthen health services. But, it will also provide the latest technology. In view of this, Health Minister Dhan Singh Rawat has directed the senior officials of the Health Department to coordinate at their respective levels.

Uttarakhand Health Minister Dhan Singh Rawat said that like the central government, State Health Systems Resource Center (SHSRC) has been formed in the state. SHSRC will further strengthen innovation, transparency, quality improvement and system in the field of health services in the state. Along with this, SHSRC will also develop training, skill development, reporting and feedback system along with increasing the ease of health services in the state.

Not only this, SHSRC will prepare protocols from time to time for prevention and protection of infection. Which will also improve the quality of health services. Minister Rawat said that the challenges of health units will be assessed at the district and block level. Then every month a detailed report will be prepared and given to the government with its suggestions. It will work to better implement health schemes in the state, promote vaccination and institutional delivery.

Along with this, it will work on reducing maternal-infant mortality rate as well as effectively implementing schemes like TB eradication. Along with this, SHSRC will also play an important role in research and use of new technology. For this, senior officials of Medical Health Department, Medical Education Department, Mission Director NHM have been instructed to coordinate with SHSRC at their respective levels.