Rajasthan: A pack of dogs attacked a girl, people ran after hearing her scream; horrifying CCTV footage surfaced

A horrifying video has emerged from JK Nagar of the district. Here, on Friday evening around 6 o’clock, a girl walking while talking on the mobile phone was attacked by 8-10 dogs together. Before anyone could understand anything, the pack of dogs surrounded the girl. The dogs did not leave the girl for about 15-20 seconds. Hearing her loud screams, family and neighbors came and saved her. The girl was bitten by the dogs in a total of 8 places. The girl was so scared that even after reaching home crying, she remained clinging to her mother. She remained scared for several hours.
Dogs attacked suddenly
Actually, 18-year-old Navya, living in Plot No. 51 of JK Nagar, said that she was coming while talking on the mobile. Then a pack of dogs came barking from behind. The dogs suddenly attacked her. One after the other, about 8 to 10 dogs surrounded her. For a few seconds, she tried to remove the dogs, but the dogs surrounded her from all sides. With no space left, she fell on the ground and started screaming. Hearing the student’s screams, the neighbors ran out of the house and chased away the dogs, after which her life was saved.
Video of the attack surfaced
Local resident Mittan Lal Gupta said that Navya was so scared of the dog attack that she sat quietly in the house. Navya is doing a degree in physiotherapy, her practical is going to be held after two days. She is still nervous and is afraid to go out of the house. People told that someone has kept dogs in a house near Navya’s house. These dogs attack people. Despite the complaint, the administration is not taking any action. At the same time, the local people reprimanded the woman fiercely after the incident. CCTV footage of the incident has also surfaced.